YOU ME OUI Aktivismus Chilbi
Diverse Stände, Spiele und Workshops
politisches Programm im Rahmen des 1. Mai
kinderfreundliches Programm


You Me Oui Activisms Chilbi
Various stands, games and workshops
Political and child-friendly programme as part of 1st of May

Important: At the Chilbi everything is CASH ONLY. However, most of the offers are free of charge & admission is free too!



Saturday April 27
From 1pm to 7pm, Reitschule Bern

Info stand & can throwing
Bern for Palestine

Info stand & popcorn

Info stand & cotton candy

The Anarchist Post Office
projet evasions

Screen printing stand
Druckerei Reitschule

Infoladen BORKE

Open banner painting, solidarity shirts and information stand
Solidaritätsnetz Bern

Merch & Flyer
Justice For Nzoy

Writing workshop
Gassenarbeit Bern

Feministisches Streikkollektiv Thun-Berner Oberland

Info stand, screen printing und beads table („Chräueli“ -Tisch)
Klimastreik Bern

Decorating cupcakes

Crêpes and Dart
AntiRep Bern

Banner painting

Info stand

Merch & flyer
Feministisches Streikkollektiv Bern

Crafting stencils

Sous Le Pont and Medina Container open from 1pm



2pm, Sous Le Pont
How can we improve the world without forgetting ourselves?
Workshop with Aktiv sein & bleiben

4pm, Sous Le Pont
Lecture on campaigning and organising
Deutschee Wohnen enteignen

17 Uhr, QFR / Durchgang
Singing together with LALALA Coeur
5-5.45pmWorkshop QFR
6-6.30pm Performance, Courtyard

5pm, Rössli
Recognising sexualised violence
Sisters Domestic Violence & Abuse Bern

8.30pm, Tojo
Theater: SEHE DICH – Eine szenisch-musikalische Spurensuche

Alice Dee & B2B Crew
10pm, Vorplatz (in front of Reitschule)


Wednesday May 1, 2024

6.30pm Uhr
Rosengarten Bern
You Me Us – united in class

The „You Me Oui“ Activism Chilbi is an independent event in which around 25 political collectives, groups and organisations participate with information and action stands, lectures and other contributions. The aim of the event is to unite different political topics, to find common multiples, to overcome borders in order to enable a strong common movement.

The „You Me Oui“ Chilbi is therefore an attempt to combine serious political content with playful elements and sweeties. This combination can be irritating in the first place, because political topics rarely have anything to do with fun and games. We would therefore like the participants to be mindful of their topics, their fellow human beings and the political realities depicted. We would like to point out that this Chilbi is also a space for political events that have existential consequences for many people around the world and will affect visitors.

Our aim is to create an accessible and family-friendly festival that focuses on political issues, education and networking. We want to treat these issues with the seriousness they deserve while inspiring people of all ages to get involved in activism.

Still got some questions? Feel free to contact us directly 🙂